GUEST BLOGGER: Kathy Bean shares her embroidery of Lauren's work!

What a thrill to hear from embroidery artist Kathy Bean! Kathy liked a piece of art by our own Lauren Lowen so much, she rendered it with needle and thread. So cool! Here's the story in Kathy's own words: "I learned the basics of embroidery as a child but only picked it back up again recently after seeing so many beautiful things others were making on Instagram. When I began teaching myself some specialty stitches, I wanted to challenge myself further than the samplers and patterns that were already available on the Internet. Last summer I began following Lauren Lowen's Instagram feed. I don't remember exactly how I stumbled upon her work but I fell in love with the whimsy and playful colors right away. 

So when I decided to try my hand at a more intricate embroidery pattern, I thought of Lauren’s artwork. I chose the girl because of the movement in the composition and the color palette. Plus, she makes me smile! I messaged Lauren to ask if it would be okay if I used elements from her images as a template and she agreed!

In the photos you'll see my process, which I think is fairly standard. I chose selected elements from Lauren's painting and transferred them onto tracing paper. Then I cut them out and rearranged them into a somewhat smaller composition. I used the window as a light box to trace the images onto my fabric with an embroidery marker. The fabric I used is from Cotton & Steel basics.

Then I selected a color palette in DMC floss that complemented Lauren's original work as well as the fabric I chose. Since I was using this project as a way to practice certain specialty stitches, I tried to repeat the same motifs throughout the piece. Some of the specialty stitches I used are burden stitch, blanket stitch, satin stitch, leaf stitch, double chain stitch and French knots.

I quite enjoyed making this delightful little piece! I appreciate Lauren's enthusiasm about the project as well. Now I have to decide just how to finish it so I can hang it up!”


- Kathy Bean (you can follow Kathy on instagram as: emi.roos

I scream, you scream, we all for scream ICE CREAM

I was working in a coffee shop in the summer trying to make the perfect latte. I think the boss of that little shop wouldn't mind being called insane. He really was. It was like being in a surreal sitcom. I loved it. And the people that bought the coffee became little gems in my world. 

At the same time as I worked there I got commissioned by the amazing eeBoo to make an ice cream game. Today I the finished product was delivered. The quality is fantastic and both my kids immediately bagsied the strawberry ice cream one whilst I really favour the lime one. I feel truly lucky to work with such lovely people. Will do a lucky dip giveaway soon, so keep your eyes peeled! -Monika


Going with my Gut

I started this years sketchbook with the grand plan to use a much bigger sketchbook. 9x11".  I thought it would give me the chance to experiment with new techniques and I would have to loosen up more to fit a painting in more space in 30 minutes. It did do those things.. But I felt stressed and that isn't the point of this project at all. After a month and a half I finally gave myself permission to go back to a smaller book, 5x8". 

I could have increased my time limit, it is my project after all. But I have lots of other work,  paid work, other personal projects, getting ready for Surtex, living my life. It's hard to admit I can't handle what I set out to do but life is about making the compromises that make me happy. I am so much happier painting the sketchbook at this size. I can do larger paintings at other times. My moral is to go with your gut and do what makes you happy! - Jennifer

Inspiring Tiles

Hi There!...I came across these beautiful tiles on a trip to our local art centre over the weekend. I love how they have all been placed side by side to create this stunning mural...the colours and the geometric shapes really inspiring. Enjoy! - Bee

A Native Gal's Thoughts on the Atlanta Gift Show!

Although I grew up in Atlanta, I never worked there professionally (went straight to NYC for school and then kept moving my way up the east coast until I landed in Boston!). This was my first time visiting the Atlanta Gift Show. Wow! Wow and truly, WOW!


I met, our own brilliant, Lauren Lowen and we walked the miles and miles of the show until we could take in no more! We chatted all the while about all the things we can do together!

Lauren Lowen for Department 56!

Lauren Lowen for Department 56!

Lauren Lowen for Demdaco!

Lauren Lowen for Demdaco!

We saw thousands of products representing 100s of 1000s of hours of illustration work. The GREAT news is that art licensing business is alive and well in the gift market (and it means I see my parents more often)! We even had a quick sighting of Monika's work amazing work!

I can already imagine the artists' work on such products as:  aprons, stationery, guided (or not so guided) journals, beach blankets, ornaments, sweet little girl's dresses, candy tins, bolt fabric, lunch boxes. You too? Call me, 781-643-2002 and let's make it happen! - Jennifer

Monika Forsberg for eeBoo!

Monika Forsberg for eeBoo!

FOR MORE SEASONED RESOURCES: Read Joan Beiriger's blog post here, where you'll find her smart take on themes and trends; Tara Reed's very personal impressions here and Alex Columbo's press perspective (with loads more photos) here. Each has a unique take on the show.


It was so much fun to read about the book I illustrated last summer on HuffPost today. Audrey Shulman @sittinginbarswithcake writes about her adventures of a year of baking cakes and bringing them to bars to get a boyfriend. Her writing is much better than mine so read it here, It's fun. Its way cooler than just a regular cookbook as some friends have mentioned! I can show the final cover and it's on Amazon for preorder, due out April 7th. I can't wait to show the 75 other interior illustrations! It's super colorful, pretty and cool. Enjoy! - Jennifer