Pet Portraits by Rae Ritchie

Hi everyone! Over the past year I’ve been creating more and more private commission pet portraits! I love working on these with pet owners, discussing the animals' personality and unique details and markings to really bring the piece to life. One of my favorite parts is choosing the symbolic foliage background with the client. For example, Honey, a brown and black chihuahua, was found as a stray by her owners while they were working on a macadamia nut farm in Hawaii. Thus, Honey is surrounded by the beautiful blooms of macadamia trees. I love telling stories with my work, and when animals are involved? Well, I just can’t help myself!

Oftentimes, I get to capture a pet that has passed on. These are some of the most special portraits. When the client reacts to seeing the final piece, I realize why I started making art in the first place; to help others feel more connected to each other and to the nature of this world. 
- Rae
