Happy Birthday
to you
Our artwork is cool!
Happy Birthday, look at our artwork,
We'd love to license it to you!
Okay, okay, so we are nowhere near Weird Al level writing here. I mean, it's just four lines--how much can you really do with four lines of text? Listen, if you want to be impressed, why not give us a Weird Al challenge? Email us a song to do an art parody of and we'll show you what we're made of.
Our bet is that you love this work as much as we do. Let us know if you would like to see even more! Kindly, Jennifer, Cathy, Haley and Kristi
There is so much to do at The Smiley Manse, our art retreat center in Vermont! From lush gardens and the world's best art studio right on the property to the area's attractions... you just can't beat it. The Smiley is surrounded by the arts, the hikes, the foods, the yarn shops, and the creemies!
Join us for Sall Swindell's (of They Draw fame) art retreat in Vermont! Colorfully Creativereatively runs 28 September - 1 October and we have just two lucky spots still open. I hope to see you there! Apply today!
MAP ARTWORK: Allison Strine.